S03E19 – Norwegian JWs Defunded and Trump’s Bloodbath

In this episode of Finding Common Battle Grounds, we start with a discussion about a recent court case decided in Norway that resulted in the federal defunding of Jehovah’s Witnesses because of their ostracism practices. We both agree that the Norwegian government is well within its rights not to give JWs money if they engage in practices that are deemed to be coercive. We then turn to a recent incident in which Donald Trump suggested that there would be a “bloodbath” for the American automotive industry if he isn’t elected, which was deceptively framed by the mainstream media as Trump claiming there would be violence if he isn’t elected. We don’t fight over this at all – Tommy’s point that this was deceptive is accurate. Then, as a bonus, we discuss the SPAC that recently incorporated Truth Social and became DJT. Ryan was interested in possibly shorting it and asked Tommy, who does a lot of investing, how that would work. We discuss it at length and ultimately decide that puts and calls are better options (pun intended).

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