S02E14 – masks, DeSantis, China, and working from home

We went with a rapid-fire, multi-topic approach this week. We started with whether people should still be wearing masks. We agreed that people should wear masks if they are sick, but wearing masks to avoid getting sick, unless done properly, isn’t really effective. We then turned to a discussion of Ron DeSantis and whether he would win the Republican primary and the general election. Ryan doesn’t think Trump will run; Josh isn’t sure. If Trump runs, it will be competitive and we were mixed on who would win. If it is DeSantis versus Biden, we agreed DeSantis would probably win. But it depends on who the Democratic candidate is whether DeSantis will win or not. Tom then asked us if we thought China was going to surpass the US economically. Both Josh and Ryan agreed that is possible and probable, but were less concerned with whether that would be a major problem for the US. Finally, we discussed whether working from home was going to continue after the pandemic. Both Josh and Ryan agreed that there will be more people working from home and that the pandemic helped transition some people to working from home permanently.

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